The Department of Electronic Science was established in 2008. This is recognised as one of the most distinguished science departments under physical science division of the university. It is also a full-fledged department dedicated for the core area of electronics science like very few university in the state. The department runs five undergraduate programmes and one postgraduate programmes cater to the ever challenging needs of technical excellence in all Areas of electrical science such as integrated electronics and circuits, telecommunications, computer technology, control and automation, optoelectronics and embedded system.
Over the last decades electronic system has become an integral part of our lives like never before. The modern day sophistication enjoyed by common public, like smart phones, incredibly thin computing devices, Ultra HD television systems, interconnected wireless nodes etc, is the outcome of innovation off words best electronics researcher engineers. The technological advancement in this field has shrunk the distance between continuants, making international video conferencing an affordable one for even a common citizen.
To develop, the department into a State of Art, with the Centre of Excellence in Electronics Science Education, on par with global standards.
To provide an environment that makes the students confident while serving for the industries and other national research organization in the field of electronics. To make the students socially aware of the sustainable development of technology and its implication on social values. To create highly skilled manpower in electronics discipline by providing quality education. To provide high quality research for futuristic areas of technology such as renewable energy, signal processing having bio-medical application etc.
The Department is offering courses leading to three year degree course as B.Sc. in Electronics and two year post graduate course as M.Sc. in Electronics. Beside this, department is also offering one diploma and certificate courses. The aim of these courses is to prepare skilled manpower for the necessity of recent development of electronics based industry having adequate theoretical and practical experience. The students joining to the M.Sc. course are required to work for six months on projects in collaboration with industry and R&D organisations. The curriculum of these courses is regularly revised to keep it in harmony with the changing industrial requirement. The department is equipped with basic infrastructural facility as required for the courses. And these are also regularly upgraded.
The department has also a fully equipped computer laboratory with various circuit simulation and software for students and staff for the sufficient laboratory based experimental work.The performance of students is regularly evaluated through continuous series of tests and presentations in addition to end semester examinations to ensure highest standards. The department is providing the knowledge based on the principles of science, mathematics and technology to counter on the problems in practical situation in their professional careers.
To advance and spread the knowledge in the various research areas of VLSI &lifier; electronics devices, wireless communication, instrumentation, signal & biomedical image processing for creation of wealth and welfare of humanity the faculties are constantly motivated for research by the Organization with all types of support .The faculty members for Research and Development activities are largely aligned with academic and industry needs. Major Research thrust areas for Electronic Science are categorized in following field:
The facilities in the department are among the best and in certain specialised area compete with leading universities. We have faculty members equipped with research expertise. We have built a strong collaboration with industries in the past years, resulting in modern laboratory. Our list of research collaborators also includes many national universities and research organisations.
With the central government's “Make in India" policy, the electronic manufacturing industry is poised to have exponential growth in India in the next decade and electronic sciences students will have abundant opportunities to contribute to that growth. The field of electronics is emerging as one of the most prominent fields of research and engineering studies with substantial demand for electronics candidate all over the world. Upon acquiring the core competencies in electronic science and latest EDA tools the student will be able to start their career as embedded engineers, electronic design engineers, network engineers, software developers, system control engineer, electronics design and development engineer, Nanotechnology, defence, mobile computing.